Links to other clubfoot sites
Other helpful sites
Clubfoot on-line support boards
Personal Websites
Clubfoot information sites
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics website for information on the Ponseti method, patient testimonials, physician links and more
A great website with much information on clubfoot.
Baby Rose treated by Dr. Ponseti
Baby Anna treated by Dr. Feldman in New York City
Organization of private pilots who volunteer their services to fly children for medical care
Ronald McDonald House Charities website-provides temporary housing for children and their families near the hospital where they are being treated
Information about the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City (University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics)

Mercy Medical Airlift (formerly NPATH - National Patient Travel Helpline (for free or discounted air travel)) :

AirLifeLine-Nonprofit Charitable Medical Flights : California Based: Flies Nationwide

Baby Annika treated by Dr. Ponseti

Pick the "Clubfoot" board listed alphabetically under the Kids' Health section

CLIPS-clubfoot information and parental support group
Children with Talipes- a site from the UK

A site with links to Ponseti information!
Baby Elena treated by Dr. Noonan in Indianapolis, IN and Dr. Martinez in Monterrey, Mexico